In house viscosity testing within parameters specified by ASTM D 445/446 and ISO 3104 / 3105
Hartland Lubricants & Chemicals in-house viscosity testing done with our miniAV® from CANNON Instrument Company, is an exciting new tool for convenient and highly accurate kinematic viscosity (Kin Vis) measurement. Ensuring product integrity from the manufacturing plant to your facility, with accurate Kin Vis testing within parameters specified by ASTM D 445/446 and ISO 3104/3105
The miniAV® measures flow rates within ±0.001 second by electronically timing the liquid meniscus as it moves between thermistor timing sensors. Bath temperature is controlled with accuracy better than ±0.01°C between 20° and 100°, as required by ASTM D 445/446. Dark or opaque liquids may be measured with the same precision as transparent fluids – without the need to change tubes.
As part of our exemplary best practices, we perform viscosity testing on all incoming finished lubricant products. Practices such as these are what set apart Hartland Lubricants & Chemicals from our competitors, providing our customers with the highest quality products and services.